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 Where to grind and fun build information!

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PostSubject: Where to grind and fun build information!   Where to grind and fun build information! I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 02, 2008 3:53 pm

Here's a quick guide as to where and how to grind an M-Gear.

1-11: Obvious enough. Just do the missions.

12-35: Grind wherever you have missions to do. Standard missions will take up most of the time you'd normally be grinding at this point, so use them for cash and less boredom. An exception for us ANI is that around level 25-30 you'd be better off grinding in Ardor instead of Crystal Cave.

35-50: At this point you've started getting missions in VB, which has lots of aggro in them. Stay in Relic, you won't die as quickly there and the exp is still good. You certainly should give grinding on the Bigfish in RNB a try, especially after level 40, because they drop SP kit materials and zirconium metal blue (which you'll need to upgrade your Circle Defenders later on). Bark's not a bad place to grind either, but there's still a lot of aggro and you're likely to run into a trigger-happy member of the opposing nation.

50-60: WE LIKE THE MOOOON! BECAUSE IT IS CLOSE TO US! You'll like the moon too. Go to Denebola and fly right to the supply depot as quickly as you can. From there, use that pocket of safe space to shoot at stuff. Goldies tend to appear pretty frequently there too. At this point you'll also be finding more opportunities to form with other people, and don't let those go to waste! Along with the increased exp and drop rates you get to use your Ragings.

If we have it, also grind in HKH. You'll get lots and lots of SP kit materials, and the bees give good EXP and are easy to kill. Plus, two bosses have an tendency to appear there, making the area good for hunting for rare stuff.

60-70: Do your Alphard, ID, and Chaos missions, but spend most of your time in ID killing Merrolings. Heavy Messengers are pretty good too but there's usually an B-Gear bombing all of them or at least two A-Gears shooting them, thus there are not many free for you. But Merrolings are great and their goldie spawns a lot (once I got three in under five minutes). Save your Alioth missions for later...though most of the BCU there seem to care more about grinding than killing you, the aggro will pummel you to death anyway.

SPECIAL NOTE! If you are still attack build at this point, go back to Relic instead and two-hit kill everything in sight. Exp will be faster for you there an you might get a Shrine or two. However, people who've already restatted (like me) would kill them in twice the amount of time, and thus might as well stay grinding the higher level but easy to kill things that give nice drops.

70-80: I'm not there yet, but I'll be hanging out in Chaos a lot.

80+: If not still in Chaos, most likely Fantasy Flow; because of Skadi who drops the M-Gear boss armor (you look like a Dagon when you wear it!) and because I'll probably find getting killed by Bipins funny. I've heard G-Ark (the actual thing, not the engine room you get lost in) is good to grind in, but as an M-Gear you won't do a whole lot of damage to them so even if you get to 90+ you should stay with the lower leveled stuff.

I don't have much advice to give on builds that you probably don't already know, but here's what I'm doing:

At level 72 I'll have the usual 300 Def+1000 SP while using a Wingo Waltz Format 4B (equating to around 280+20 Def and 96+35 Skill). I've noticed that the level 100 CPU gives 20 Def and 50 Skill, and I'll assume that I'll get there eventually (read: two years from now) and adjust how I add points accordingly. I want 1500 SP, so that means the maximum amount of Skill I'll add will be 140 (that+50 from the CPU will give me 1520 SP).

After that I'm going to add Shield. Why Shield? I've noticed with a few build calculators that throwing my remaining points into Shield will give me nearly an extra 2200 Shield. Adding to Agility only give me around 7.5% extra Evasion, and Attack only give me an extra 7% Pierce. If I continued adding to Skill I'd get just over 2000 SP, but I think 1500 will be plenty.
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Where to grind and fun build information! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where to grind and fun build information!   Where to grind and fun build information! I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 08, 2008 5:10 pm

wao ty for going wayyyy out of the wai to write this, cuz i rly am thinking of making an mg
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